Get Premium + Unlimited AI Tutoring for only
$0.76/day $0.19/day • 75% Off
100-Day Risk Free Trial: Try Jumpspeak risk-free today for a full 100 days. If you don't 100% love it, we'll refund you in full (and you keep all $1,192 in exclusive bonuses)
Get Premium + Unlimited AI Tutoring for
$0.76/day $0.19/day (75% Off!)
100-Day Risk Free Trial: Try Jumpspeak risk-free today for a full 100 days. If you don't 100% love it, we'll refund you in full (and you keep all of the exclusive bonuses)
Premium AI Tutor is our complete package of AI Tutor features that helps you speak with confidence more quickly.
With it, you get unlimited AI chat conversations, the ability to ask questions anytime to your AI Tutor, receive instant corrections, personalize your conversations, and much more.
It's like having a language tutor available 24/7, at a fraction of the price.
The short answer is, it’ll help you speak with confidence faster because it will enable you to:
•Customize your conversation scenario so it’s 100% relevant to your personal life, including the role of your AI tutor (and yours)
•Practice specific concepts, grammar, or vocabulary so that you can learn exactly what you want
•Get instant feedback & corrections after each response so you can correct your mistakes
•Ask specific questions to your AI Tutor to get more insights with every lesson you take.
Yes, you’ll get access to premium features for every language we offer on Jumpspeak.